Scientific Session 4
Scientific Session 4
This activity was presented at VAM2020.
- The Association of Medicaid Expansion and Reduced Lower Extremity Amputation Among Minorities with Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia: Tze-Woei (Kevin) Tan, MD
- Mortality and Reintervention After Paclitaxel Treatment in the Vascular Implant Surveillance and Interventional Outcomes Network: Daniel J. Bertges, MD
- Characterizing Treatment Preference “Phenotypes” Among Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease to Support Identification of Concordant Treatment and Communication Strategies: Matthew A. Corriere, MD, MS
- Shaping Peripheral Arterial Remodeling and Inflammation with Gut Microbes: Karen J. Ho, MD
- An “Exercise Stress Test” for Lower Extremity Perfusion: Contrast-enhanced Duplex Ultrasound Assessment of Exercise-induced Microvascular Perfusion in Patients with PAD: Matthew T. Chrencik, BS
- Use of Atherectomy During Index Revascularization for Peripheral Arterial Disease Among Medicare Beneficiaries: Courtenay M. Holscher, MD, PhD
- Surgical Site Infection: A Single Center Experience with Infection Prevention Bundle: Kimberly T. Malka, MD, PhD
- Utilizing Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Reduces Peripheral Bypass Infection Rates Without Increasing Cost: Jacob Frisbie, DO