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  • Education
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that highlights the use of microlearning in surgical education.FacultyLinda Harris, MD, FACS, DFSVS, MAMSETarget AudienceVascular Surgeons
  • Education
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that describes tips and tricks for keeping up with the vascular surgery literature and getting the most out of individual papers.FacultyThomas L. Forbes, MDTarget AudienceVascular SurgeonsVascular Trainees 
  • Wound Care
PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to register or add this course to your activities. Simply click on the links below to access the resources. DO NOT CLICK ON THE REGISTER OR START BUTTON.DescriptionSolventum is a premier sponsor of the SVS-SVN-APMA Wound Care Curriculum. Click on the links below for educational resources around wound care by Solventum.
