Event date
- Education
- Leadership
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that shows how leadership has nothing to do with rank, we can all be the leaders we wish we had, but it requires commitment, preparation, and being proactive. It is your behavior, and the responsibility to see those around you rise that's what makes someone a leader. Your actions must consistently reflect the values that are most important to you, this builds credibility and trust.FacultyManuel Garcia-Toca MD, MS
- Basic and Translational Research
- Education
DescriptionDiscusses factors to consider when presenting basic science research to a clinical audience or research-funding agency.FacultyApril J. Boyd, MD, PhD, FRCSCTarget AudienceVascular Trainee
- Acute Lower Extremity Ischemia
- Arterial Occlusive Disease
- Education
- Practice Management
DescriptionThis micro-learning covers the diagnosis and management of acute limb ischemia specifically covering various endovascular tools and considerations for use.FacultyNatasha, Hansraj MBBSTarget AudienceGeneral Surgery ResidentsVascular SurgeonVascular Trainee
- Branding Vascular Surgery/Surgeons
- Education
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that describes how, when, and why a vascular surgeon can and should use social media.FacultyMatthew R. Smeds, MD, FACS, DFSVSTarget AudienceVascular SurgeonsVascular TraineesGeneral Surgery ResidentsMedical StudentsPhysician AssistantsNurse Practitioners
- Education
- Legal Considerations
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that is an overview of medical malpractice law with suggestions on how to decrease the risk of being named as a defendant in a medical malpractice suit.FacultyO. William Brown MD JDTarget AudienceVascular SurgeonsVascular TraineesGeneral Surgery ResidentsMedical StudentsVascular NursesPhysician AssistantsNurse Practitioners
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
- Education
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that focuses on practical strategies and behaviors that individuals can adopt in their daily lives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in various settings such as workplaces, communities, and educational institutions.FacultyRana Afifi, MD
- Education
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that highlights the use of microlearning in surgical education.FacultyLinda Harris, MD, FACS, DFSVS, MAMSETarget AudienceVascular Surgeons
- Education
DescriptionThis video is part of the Adulting in Vascular Surgery Microlearning Series that describes tips and tricks for keeping up with the vascular surgery literature and getting the most out of individual papers.FacultyThomas L. Forbes, MDTarget AudienceVascular SurgeonsVascular Trainees