Event date
- Arterial Occlusive Disease
- Guidelines
DescriptionThe focus of the first webinar will be on the overall medical care of these patients. The session will describe the current state of optimal medical management (OMT) and how it applies to patients like yours. An important focus will be on recent developments in antithrombotic, antihypertensive, and lipid-lowering management and how to best achieve smoking cessation for your patients.FacultyJohn White, MDJoseph Mills, MDMichael Conte, MD
- Arterial Occlusive Disease
- Guidelines
DescriptionThe focus of the second webinar is the diagnosis and staging of the limb. This session is "WIfI” centric” and focused on hemodynamics and foot assessment. The importance of repetitive staging to guide the course of treatment and potential alterations in the treatment plan will be reviewed.FacultyJohn White, MDJoseph Mills, MDMichael Conte, MD
- Arterial Occlusive Disease
- Guidelines
DescriptionThe last session of the series will address revascularization. This session will cover GLASS, its relationship to revascularization outcomes, and its current limitations. The growing impact of pedal artery disease in clinical practice will also be discussed. Finally, the panelists will discuss the latest data on the risks and benefits of drug elution in the CLTI population.FacultyJohn White, MDJoseph Mills, MDMichael Conte, MD
- Guidelines
- Venous Disease
- Guidelines
- Venous Disease
- Aortic
- Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS)
- Guidelines
- Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS)
- Guidelines
- Amputation
- Arterial Occlusive Disease
- Guidelines
DescriptionThis microlearning provides a detailed, comprehensive evaluation of patients with Diabetic foot disease in the context of the SVS WIfI threatened limb classification.FacultyChristopher J. Abularrage, MD, DFSVSTarget AudienceVascular SurgeonVascular TraineeGeneral Surgery ResidentsMedical StudentsVascular NursesPhysician AssistantsNurse Practitioners